Who Told What To Whom? (Iranian Nuclear Development Edition)

The Washington Post is reporting a fascinating story. A former CIA operative has filed suit in court to declassify papers which he alleges prove that Iran suspended its nuclear weapons development program.

A former CIA operative who says he tried to warn the agency about faulty intelligence on Iraqi weapons programs now contends that CIA officials also ignored evidence that Iran had suspended work on a nuclear bomb.

The onetime undercover agent, who has been barred by the CIA from using his real name, filed a motion in federal court late Friday asking the government to declassify legal documents describing what he says was a deliberate suppression of findings on Iran that were contrary to agency views at the time.

I found the Washington Post article a little convoluted but as best as I can dissect it the claims are:

  1. A CIA undercover operative uncovered information proving that Iran had suspended its nuclear weapons development program.
  2. Higher ups in the agency told him not to report that finding.
  3. He’s in dutch with the agency.

If the story is precisely as reported, that’s pretty damaging to the CIA although I don’t see how it’s particularly damaging to the Bush Administration unless you believe that everything that happens in the CIA happens at the specific direction of the White House (I don’t). It would certainly underscore the recent NIE since that’s essentially what the NIE found, too.

I guess the only thing that can be added at this point is stay tuned.

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  • infinity Link

    Even if the World were at Peace, the Military Industrial Complex must have War. What? Do you think once World Peace is accomplished they’re just going to pack it all in and say “Mission Accomplished”? Nope. They’ll simply continue making war, even if it has to be created / invented. If war isn’t against this or that “rogue” Nation, then they’ll justify their existence on eternal vigilance against extra terrestrials. War ain’t going away no matter what. The war companies also own the media, so it’s just as easy for them to create propaganda to force us to go to war with each other. Of course, they’ll have to use their weapons to intervene. War. War. War. It’s not going away any time soon. And that’s even with the Muslim “problem” solved.

  • Andy Link

    Yes, infinity, war will be with us for a long time, but I think that is more because of human nature than some secret cabal of defense companies.

  • A secret cabal would be a lot more comforting though.

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