A Good Crop

I don’t usually delve into the process by which I evaluate which of the non-Council posts I’ll vote for in any particular week but this week’s crop is so good that I felt moved to salute them. The non-Council posts tapped by the various Council members for consideration by the whole Council are extraordinary this week. At least two-thirds of them, the first four in particular, are of such surpassing excellence that in a normal week any of them would be a shoe-in for top honors.

The first post on the list, Teddy Mohammed, is an informed and informative discourse on the Gillian Gibbons and the teddy bear disruption in the Sudan to which I can only add that the Sudan’s nightmarish backwardsness is no new phenomenon. It goes back much, much farther than the last 25 years.

The second post on the list is a well done one on a specific player in the racial sensitivity racket.

The third post on the list, which I nominated, deals with an aspect of the weapons of mass destruction that we’ll face on the near horizon that isn’t noted much: biological weapons.

The fourth post on the list is an extraordinary story from Afghanistan of courage and friendship on the part of our troops fighting there.

Unfortunately, only one post can be #1 but don’t let that confuse you. Every single one of the non-Council posts is worthy of your time and attention. I urge you to give ’em a look if you haven’t already done so.

Well done, Council members! I hope this is the beginning of a trend.

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