Have You Ever Noticed?

Have you ever noticed that there are plenty of economists who think that control of everything should be turned over to economists, engineers who believe that control of everything should be turned over to engineers, and medical doctors who believe that control of everything should be turned over to medical doctors but precious few economists who believe that control of everything should be turned over to engineers, engineers who believe that control of everything should be turned over to medical doctors, and medical doctors who believe that control of everything should be turned over to economists?

There’s another alternative, you know. Economists might just try doing a better of explaining their prescriptions. But that would, you know, like, involve actually engaging with other people. Mustn’t have that.

2 comments… add one
  • Interesting that you say this, because according to Dr. Sageman al Qaeda is made up of many engineers or engineering students. People who had no religious training, and yet put forth their own interpretation of the Koran as the correct one, voiding in their worldview thousands of years of interpretation and adaptation by Muslim religious scholars.

  • Chris Colon Link

    bigfoot is fake

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