Some discussion items

This table lists the numbers of American soldiers killed in some of America’s wars:

War Military deaths
Revolutionary War   4,435
War of 1812 2,260
World War I 116,516
World War II 405,339
Korean War 36,568
Viet Nam War 58,199
Gulf War 529
Iraq 1,049

Source: Infoplease
Source for Iraq: Boston Globe
The table includes in-theater military deaths from all causes.


This table lists the duration of some of America’s wars:

War Duration (days)
Revolutionary War   3,060
War of 1812 976
World War I 585
World War II 1,366
Viet Nam War 5,233
Gulf War 210
Iraq 570

Source: Wikipedia

Which of the above was a quagmire? Discuss.

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