Eye on the Watcher’s Council

As you may know the members of the Watcher’s Council each nominate one of his or her own posts and one non-Council post for consideration by the whole Council. The complete list of this week’s Council nominations is here.

The Glittering Eye, “The Impossibility of Victory”

In my submission for this week I consider a Washington Post op-ed by retired Lt. Gen. William Odom. Why isn’t the trivium taught in the schools any more?

Soccer Dad, “The Temple Dodge”

Soccer Dad posts on the transformation of Muslim reactions to building and excavations in the areas adjacent to the Temple Mount from religious outrage to political rallying cry. I’ve posted my opinion of archaeology and construction in that area before and see no reason to repeat myself.

The Colossus of Rhodey, “Best (and Worst) TV Show ‘Replacements’”

Hube notes that most attempts at replacing characters in established TV shows have flopped. One replacement that no one over there has mentioned yet is the multiple replacements of the Becky character in Roseanne: Alicia Goranson was replaced by Sarah Chalke who was replaced by Alicia Goranson. This led to a memorable episode in which the D. J. character, having a psychotic episode, muttered to himself “They say she’s the same but she isn’t the same. They say she’s the same…”

Eternity Road, “Fallen Angels”

Francis’s submission this week is a long, interesting, rambling post on angels, influences (worldly and other-worldly), and the reality of evil. I think I’m less quick to judge than Francis is. I suppose it’s a weakness of my character. I’d much rather debate the issues than the character and motives of my opponent.

That having been said I certainly think that good intentions aren’t nearly enough. Poorly-crafted policies with the best of intentions are no better than those with wicked ones. Results count.

American Future, “Iran’s Economic House of Cards”

Marc posts on Iran’s fragile economy. I’d go farther than Marc: Iran’s style of command economy has failed everywhere it’s been tried and I think that, unless something changes, the Iranian regime will inevitably become international shakedown artists like the North Koreans and Palestinians. Unfortunately, Venezuela seems to be heading in the same direction and it will be interesting to see how far Gen. Chavez’s saber-rattling goes.

Done With Mirrors, “Bomb Shells”

I see that Callimachus comes down basically on the same side I did on the question of Iran’s involvement in Iraq cf. here and here. I’ll add only two things: that Iran may be directly assisting insurgents or militias in Iraq in killing Americans doesn’t make the military options in dealing with Iran one bit better and Augustine (the originator of Just War Theory) taught that punishment was a just objective in war.

Rhymes With Right, “No, They Are Not America”

Greg reacts to an editorial on illegal immigration in the New York Times. He’s not happy.

The Education Wonks, “Getting the Grownups to Grow Up”

Some parents just refuse outright to be involved in their children’s education. EdWonk posts on Florida’s futile efforts to get parents to come to their darned meetings. I’ve posted on this subject before and honestly am puzzled why some people have children at all. After all there’s a drugstore on every corner.

Bookworm Room, “Intentionally Confusing the Illegal Immigration Debate”

Bookworm’s submission, too, is on the very same NYT editorial on illegal immigration. Apparently, it struck a nerve. I’m not as sensitive as Bookworm (or Greg) is about the legal vs. illegal issue in immigration nor the conflation of the two. IMO a continuous stream of unskilled or semi-skilled workers is a bad economic strategy for America whether the workers are legal or illegal and the solution is neither in tightened border nor in workplace enforcement but in making employers bear more of the costs of the workers they hire. This by itself will tend to work against low wage workers. I’ll try to flesh this out in a post later in the day.

Joshuapundit, “I’m Tired of ‘Supporting the Troops’”

Freedom Fighter is upset about paying lip service to supporting the troops when the actions say something quite different whether it’s on the part of people demonstrating against the war in Iraq or the Commander-in-Chief.

The Sundries Shack, “Global Warming—What Can We Do? (Part I)”

Jimmie Bise has a simple, smart, commonsense suggestion for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles. I have another one: live closer to your work. Failing that work closer to your home.

Right Wing Nut House, “A Rock, a Hard Place, and the Deep Blue Sea”

I think that Rick Moran is more sympathetic to the quandary that Pervez Musharraf is in than I am but he comes down in the same place: there’s no way to “finish” the war in Afghanistan. We need to be prepared to stay there, essentially, forever, to deny the Taliban and Al-Qaeda their previous base of operations. Meanwhile they’re setting up shop in Pakistan and, when we’re upset enough to risk bringing Musharraf’s government and have Pakistan’s nuclear weapons fall into the hands of Pakistan’s violent radical Islamists, we’ll do something about it.

Well, I’ve decided which posts I’ll vote for. Which would get your votes?

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  • There was another episode of Roseanne where she and DJ (I think the original in her second stint) were watching Bewitched and commenting on the two Darrens.

  • A lot of good stuff this week. I found it tough to make the picks. And just about everything offered up really drew me in and made me read carefully. Except my own stuff, of course, which mercifully I am spared by the rules from having to read and judge.

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