Eye on the Watcher’s Council

As you may know the members of the Watcher’s Council each nominate one of his or her own posts and one non-Council post for consideration by the whole Council. The complete list of this week’s Council nominations is here.

Matt Barr is relinquishing his seat on the council and will need to be replaced. If you’re interested, take a look at the rules for membership.

There are a number of blogs that I hope apply for membership or The Watcher otherwise considers. First is American Future. I think blog-friend Marc Schulman is a perfect fit for the council and would be a great addition.

There are other blogs I’d like to see as members, for example, I think that Eteraz would bring an interesting balance. Some, like NewsHog, I’d like to see but think they would be too discordant.

The Glittering Eye, “Bringing Fire”

In my submission for this week I consider the alliance of progressives and libertarians and find it, well, uncomfortable. I had some trouble deciding which post to submit this week and seriously considered submitting my post on terrorism and piracy. Waddaya think?

Joshuapundit, “Condi Rice meets with terrorists..and the Bush Administration proves, once again that they’re hypocrites on terrorism and `Arab democracy’”

Winning the award for longest-titled post hands down, Freedom Fighter has a scathing criticism of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s recent meeting with the Tanzim, the military wing of Fatah. I don’t have the visceral reaction that FF does but I think that the meeting was an error. I think that governments should only have official, publicized meetings with governments and that doing otherwise weakens the strength of states. States as a concept remain vital, NGO’s aren’t states, and IMO strengthening states is a sine qua non for dealing with terrorism.

Soccer Dad, “Half Bake-d”

Soccer Dad considers former Secretary of State James Baker and his treatment in Robert Woodward’s book, State of Denial.

ShrinkWrapped, “Changes”

ShrinkWrapped reflects on the optimistic theories of Thomas Barnett and how societies respond to change.

Rhymes With Right, “Califano Page Apologia—True, But Fails To Deal With Weak Dem Response”

Greg analyzes the differences between the Democratic and Republican responses to the Foley/Congressional page scandal and notes that Democrats are, mostly, making political hay of the issue without addressing the substance of the issue. Well, yes. It’s because Republicans think there is substance to the issue and, by and large, Democrats don’t that they’re able to make political hay out of it at all.

AbbaGav, “What If They’re Writing to Journalists?”

AbbaGav’s post on the lack of monitoring of mail sent by convicted terrorists in U. S. prisons highlights the problem of treating terrorism primarily as a matter of law enforcement. I’m not aware of the facts or the details in this matter but it does sound strongly as though the Justice Department needs an attitude adjustment. Or it may be that the inmates are in charge of the asylum there.

Gates of Vienna, “Those Who Will Make a Difference”

Dymphna combines the threads of a local carpenter, the local Jamaa ul Fuqra compound, and the American flag into an interesting post. Just as an observation, our Jacksonians reflexively tend to keep to themselves but they make very bad enemies.

The Education Wonks, “Has the Time Come for Pistol-Packing Educators?”

EdWonk reports on the proposals to arm teachers and school administrators in the aftermath of the shootings in Pennsylvania.

Right Wing Nut House, “As Long As We’re Talking, We’re Not Shooting At Each Other”

Rick Moran consider the history of negotiation and the prospects for negotiating successful settlements of our differences with North Korea and Iran. I don’t know where I first heard this or who first said it but diplomacy is basically saying “Nice doggies” while hunting around for a stick. North Korea and Iran haven’t found a stick yet.

I believe that North Korea is so aggressive and dishonest that negotiation with them is ridiculous. As best as I can tell, they’re offended at our existence. The list of “provocations” they attribute to us are mainly our responses to real, serious, intolerable provocations on their part.

I’ve already gone on the record as being in favor of active negotiations with Iran. They’re the major regional power; they have legitimate interests; we have legitimate interests; we should try for an agreement that recognizes our respective interests. The attempts to date by the EU3 have been insufficient.

I’m not particularly hopeful but it’s what I think we need to do.

The Sundries Shack, “The Left Wing’s Moral Mafia”

I think that Jimmie Bise has a point in wondering who the real Puritans are with respect to the Foley/Congressional page scandal.  Of course, as I noted above I don’t think those who are trumpeting this scandal give a hoot about the moral issues—I think they’re justing counting coup.

Done With Mirrors, “Media’s Choice”

This post continues Callimachus’s friend Kat’s account of her working as a contractor in Iraq.  This segment deals with media coverage of what’s going on there.  I think that some of the activities that Kat participated in are the sorts of things that Lounsbury means when he talks about necessary and realistic nation-building.  Unfortunately, these are not the things that get much notice over here.

Well, I’ve decided which posts I’ll vote for this week.  Which would get your vote?

4 comments… add one
  • Dave,

    I’ve applied for membership — and thanks for the plug!

  • kreiz Link

    For what it’s worth (virtually nothing), I agree 100% that Schulman’s American Future should be granted membership. Marc operates an awesome blog.

  • I’ve been pitching Marc’s membership every time a seat has opened up for more than a year.

  • Hi Dave,

    Thanks for the kind mention but you’re probably right, I would upset folks.

    Still, it’s about time I blogrolled Glittering Eye 🙂

    Warmest regards, Cernig @ Newshog

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