The dog days of summer

It’s the middle of the dog days of summer and I’m finding it incredibly difficult to muster up much interest in the various stories being written about in the blogosphere these days (or much of anything else if truth be told).

I’m not interested in JonBenet Ramsey’s murderer’s arrest (if he is her murderer). Let the poor little girl rest in peace.

I’m not interested in the political posturing and infighting I’m seeing. I’m aware that Republicans and Democrats don’t think much of each other these days and that everybody is trying their best to run against Bush. I predicted that three years ago. So what else is new?

Tomorrow is the day on which the Iranians have said they’ll have their answer to the UNSC demands. I think we already know what their answer will be: nuts. I’m more interested in what the UNSC’s response will be and we’ll have to wait a week (at least) for that. I can’t seem to drum up the enthusiam for going to war with Iran that some seem to have nor the despair that it’s unlikely to happen.

I think that “nuts” would be my answer to the chairman of the Shoura Council’s demand for an apology for President Bush’s linking of Islam, terrorism, and fascism. I want an apology for violent Islamist radicals linking Islam, terrorism, and fascism. I doubt that I’ll get it.

I also don’t much care whether the new, improved UNIFIL will have teeth or not. The desired results have already been achieved: there aren’t as many Lebanese being killed as there were two weeks ago. Nor as many Israelis for that matter. The parties should count their blessings and start looking for solutions other than Israel fighting their way all the way to Tehran. That’s not going to happen and they can’t defeat Hezbollah militarily without doing that. Hezbollah is a creature of Iran’s (in the 18th century sense) although not a particularly observant one.

And so on.

I’m trying to put together a brief post on the evolution of U. S. foreign policy WRT the Middle East over the last 50 years or so. It has to be short or I won’t be able to make the point I’m trying to make. That it’s a subject that has filled a thousand books is daunting.

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