Why don’t Senate Democrats support Feingold’s resolution?

I’m searching for a reason. Here are some I’ve heard advanced:

Got any others?

UPDATE: Joe Gandelman of The Moderate Voice considers the same question in a reasonable, balanced, and analytical way and comes up with just two explanations:

One way of looking at this is that a censure resolution is a just comeuppance for Bush for seeming to feel that because he’s President he can simply pick and choose which laws he wants to obey and for the fact that warrantless wiretaps only came to light due to a media leak.

Another way of looking at it is that the way things were going, Democrats could have sat back and watched Bush and the GOP dig a bigger hole for themselves, as the party increasingly lost some members of its coalition and as news media attention began to focus heavily on the administration, its controversies and its deficiencies.

I don’t find those explanations, severally or collectively, to be dispositive.

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  • Mrs. Davis` Link

    They don’t want to embarrass themselves by showing how small a minority they are.

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