Catching my eye: morning A through Z

Here’s what’s caught my eye this morning:

  • Several people seem to be thinking historically today. American Future has a letter from Ed Murrow (then head of the USIA) about ways that ordinary people could get involved with the agency’s efforts. When did everything become so professionalized?
  • AL at Winds of Change is also looking to history for inspiration. This time an article from Theodore Roosevelt nearly 100 years old seems to have some relevance to Joel Stein’s recent column.
  • If I find anything really intriguing on the landslide election of Hamas in Palestine, I’ll link to it. I’m not particularly informed on this subject and don’t have any insights to offer. I’d always assumed that the “social services” aspect of Hamas’s program was a Maoist strategy so I suspect that gaining responsibility won’t dissuade them from their objective of pushing the Israelis into the sea. I guess we’ll hope for the best. Kesher Talk sees the election results as giving a boost to Benjamin Netanyahu. Window on the Arab World has a media round-up. Analysis from The Head Heeb.
  • Venomous Kate has posted what is promised/threatened to be a regular feature at Wizbang: Dear VK. I gather she’s being gentle because it’s the first time.
  • I’ve said it before and here’s more evidence: the Kurds and the Israelis are natural allies.
  • Homeland Security humor from Big Pharaoh. An oldie but a goodie. Hat tip: Tigerhawk
  • Armchair Generalist notes a NEJM article on bio-terrorism and wonders whether they have the right end of the stick.

That’s the lot.

2 comments… add one
  • When Hamas takes over the Government, there will be serious ramifications if the violence continues.

    One of the things that will be difficult for Israel is their assassination policy.
    Going after members of an organization that controls the Government will have different connotations.

    But if Hamas, as the Government, continues attacks (even indirectly) or allows the rocket launches to continue, then we are close to an official state of War.

    Either side will be on touchy ground. Previously Israel could claim that the Palestinian Government was not doing enough to reign in the militiants. Now it is the Palestinian Goverment doing the attacks.

  • JimBD Link

    “No One Is Above the Law”, Alito Says – then you should check out this link:……. ……compared to his comments here:

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