Should We Increase Marginal Tax Rates?

There’s an op-ed from Stanford economics professor Michael Boskin in the Wall Street Journal today bemoaning the prospect of an increase in the marginal tax rates:

It would be a huge mistake to imagine that the cumulative, cascading burden of many tax rates on the same income will leave the middle class untouched. Take a teacher in California earning $60,000. A current federal rate of 25%, a 9.5% California rate, and 15.3% payroll tax yield a combined income tax rate of 45%. The income tax increases to cover the CBO’s projected federal deficit in 2016 raises that to 52%. Covering future Social Security and Medicare deficits brings the combined marginal tax rate on that middle-income taxpayer to an astounding 71%. That teacher working a summer job would keep just 29% of her wages. At the margin, virtually everyone would be working primarily for the government, reduced to a minority partner in their own labor.

Nobody—rich, middle-income or poor—can afford to have the economy so burdened. Higher tax rates are the major reason why European per-capita income, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, is about 30% lower than in the United States—a permanent difference many times the temporary decline in the recent recession and anemic recovery.

Earlier today I promised a post on marginal tax rates and this is it. There has been a persistent claim from one side of the bench that the effective tax rate is near historic lows and an equally persistent claim from the other side that raising taxes during an economic downturrn would be disastrous. That there is marked and strident difference of opinion is nothing new; I remarked on it in the context of the war in Iraq in one of my earliest posts here now nearly seven years ago.

Both claims remind me of nothing so much as a remark attributed to Herb Stein about supply side economics that there was nothing wrong with the claims that couldn’t be cured by dividing by ten. The claims are probably both true as far as they go. That federal tax revenues as a proportion of GDP have fallen to historic lows is neatly illustrated by this graph from calculated risk. I think that most of those who favor increasing marginal rates interpret that graph as proof positive that we need to raise the rates. I see it more as an indication that we need more economic growth and that excessive dependence on high income earners, able to avoid W-2 wages, is not realizing the revenues that it did during the Clinton Administration.

That reducing private consumption in favor of public consumption dollar for dollar results in less overall economic activity is fairly self-evident due to deadweight loss. Just how severe you think that decline in economic activity is depends on how great you think the deadweight loss actually is.

What would the actual outcome of an increase in marginal nominal federal tax rates on singles earning $200,000 or more and couples earning $250,000 or more be? The truest answer to the question is that nobody knows.

To understand why you’ve got to consider how federal income taxes are calculated. What’s being discussed is an increase in taxes on net W-2 wages. The simple description of how that’s calculated is by taking the amount on an individual’s W-2 or summing the amounts on a couple’s W-2s, subtracting deductions, and applying the new tax rate to amounts over $200,000 or $250,000, respectively.

I’ll need to define some of my terms next. I think that “the rich” are the top 1% of income earners and that “the ultra-rich” are the top .1% of income earners. Based on today’s incomes that’s roughly families earning more than $350,000 and families earning more than $1 million, respectively.

There are two sticking points in calculating how much revenue would be derived by an increase in tax rates on those income earners. The first is how much will be deducted? Only historic norms can be used to estimate that and the IRS is a mite cagey on releasing that information. The second is that it applies to W-2 income. Taken together I take that to mean that to the extent that this change would raise more revenue most of that revenue would be derived from those who derive most or all of their income from W-2 earnings. I strongly suspect that will largely consist of families with more than two or more income earners, particularly in a handful of urban areas. E.g. a doctor and a lawyer, a dentist and a schoolteacher, a firefighter and a high school teacher in New York, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, and so on. I also strongly suspect that those are precisely the people who are likely to consume a sizeable portion of their incomes rather than saving them.

The ultra-rich will shift their income away from W-2 earnings to something taxed at a lower rate, transfer their income offshore, or otherwise shield their incomes. Rather than taxing Daddy Warbucks, lighting his cigar with 20 dollar bills, we’ll be raising the taxes on people who are struggling to maintain an upper middle class lifestyle in a difficult economy, effectively a transfer from private consumption to public consumption.

The key problem with the strategy of returning the marginal tax rates to what they were under Bill Clinton is that the distribution of income isn’t the same as it was under Bill Clinton and, as a consequence, won’t realize the revenues that it did under Bill Clinton.

Don’t get me wrong. I opposed the reductions in the highest personal income tax rates in the early Aughts and I opposed their extension last year. I see that as a one-time political move rather than as an incremental strategy for raising taxes until the budget is balanced. In my view one increase and you’ve shot your wad. Trying to raise taxes in continuing approximation will become increasingly politically difficult and decreasingly credible. I favor the 3:1 cuts to revenues formula of the Bowles-Simpson commission and I’ve already given my preferences for cuts in previous posts.

However, I’m beginning to re-evaluate my views of increasing the marginal tax rates. Let’s apply the analytical approach of the post of mine I linked to above to the problem that we’re trying to solve. I understand the problem we’re trying to solve as one of increasing federal revenues without decreasing private consumption (and without appeals to rosy scenarios of unrealistically high economic growth to ease the pain). What strategy would effect that objective?

Please don’t propose that we can solve our fiscal dilemma on the basis of cutting expenditures alone. I find that strategy relies on a definition of “can” as mathematical or accounting equivalence. Not all spending reductions are equal and some have pretty severe economic consequences of their own, e.g. as far as I can see the Ryan plan for Medicare just drives present Medicare recipients into Medicaid and makes the state and local governments go bankrupt all the faster.


Related: Does Washington Have a Spending Problem or a Tax Problem?. My answer: both. And raising the marginal tax rates on “the rich” won’t have nearly as much positive effect as its advocates suppose.

11 comments… add one
  • PD Shaw Link

    It would seem to me that we’re better off economically and politically to eliminate or cap deductions, rather than raise marginal rates. As suggested by a your hypothetical taxation targets, if you raise marginal rates, the proximate result might be an equal increase of deductible spending _for those who can afford it._

    Politically it seems less unpopular. I don’t recall a lot of Norquistian tax increase angst when the Senate voted to eliminate the ethanol tax credit. Right or wrong, I don’t believe most people believe eliminating tax credits they’ve barely even heard of constitutes a tax increase.

  • john personna Link

    That federal tax revenues as a proportion of GDP have fallen to historic lows is neatly illustrated by this graph from calculated risk. I think that most of those who favor increasing marginal rates interpret that graph as proof positive that we need to raise the rates. I see it more as an indication that we need more economic growth and that excessive dependence on high income earners, able to avoid W-2 wages, is not realizing the revenues that it did during the Clinton Administration.

    Basically, the Bush gambit was that you could choose the latter, that you could simply choose higher growth.

    What happens when you can’t?

    Doesn’t that make moving tax rate back to historic norms look a little more rational?

    (GDP is hung up on a variety of things, but the most obvious (globalization and international savings imbalances) can’t be addressed by domestic policy.)

  • I don’t see the question as whether raising marginal rates is rational (obviously, I think that it is). Rather, the question is whether it will be effective.

  • john personna Link

    I’m just pointing out it is less easy to choose growth – as we saw when GWB chose lower marginal rates and planned for higher growth.

  • Jeffrey Boser Link

    I’m confused by the WSJ article. If we are going to talk about marginal tax rates, shouldn’t we use the term correctly? Federal Income tax on 60k, is 18.6%. 10% on the first 8,375 (assuming the worst, an unmarried teacher), 15% on the amount up to 34k, 25% on the amount over. And that assumes not even taking the standard deduction. A similar effect happens tot he California income tax rates. And on top of all that, payroll taxes are paid by the employer. Sure, economists can take the viewpoint that in the end it is a tax on the employed, because they could have raised pay without it, but from the viewpoint of how much of a person’s income is paid in taxes, its not valid to include it.

    In any case, any discussion that starts off with the lie that 71% of each dollar at 60k is being given up in taxes, is a discussion that I’m not interested in having. I see this sort of stuff in the WSJ all the time, I remember when a legal consultant complained that taxes made him less interested in working because the result was so little that it added nothing to his family. Using these inflated examples that have no reality whatsoever, is what makes me completely uninterested in what conservatives say these days. It is obviously just propaganda for the no-taxes-ever side.

  • Drew Link

    After 5 years of this, I’m sort of bored with trying to educate. But….

    1. Do we need more revenue? Yes. Get it through closing real (another discussion) loopholes. Marginal rate increases will prove to be a fools errand, foiled by the smartest in society, as always.

    2. Forget the notion that tax, er, revenue increases will be effective in materially reducing our deficit problem without going deep, deep into the middle class. But I own a bridge in New York if you care to inquire…….

    3. Forget the notion that those tax increases will actually reduce the deficit, given the 5 decades empirical evidence on spending habits of government………..but, dude, about that bridge….

    4. The notion that taxes are at historical lows is ludicrous. Last time I looked Joe Average cannot spend GDP. He can only spend income. So measure taxes as a fraction of income; (pick one: national, personal, household), that’s all the dude’s got. Pick your favorite measure of income and get back to me. We are not undertaxed. I guess you have to have an IQ less than 154 to understand this……..

    5. I hear alot about “compromise.” For 5 decades “compromise” has been defined as whether to spend 2 or 3 more dollars, even though we can’t afford either. How about holding the line? Oh, that’s right, that’s “radical.” Get real people. We are going broke and are now nacient bugs heading for the windshield………………just because petulant little brats can’t continue their profligate spending ways. “Compromise,” you know.

  • john personna Link

    1. Do we need more revenue? Yes

    I can stop there, can’t I 😉

    I think though that re. 4, the graph shows a decline in tax in areas where GDP is strongest (corporate income).

    Though also we kind of threw away tariff income when we went free trade, without replacing it.

  • michael reynolds Link

    Marginal rate increases will prove to be a fools errand, foiled by the smartest in society, as always.

    One has to wonder then why the “smartest in society” oppose it so vociferously. I mean, if it’s not going to take money out of a rich guy’s pocket, why does he fight it?

  • Drew Link

    “I mean, if it’s not going to take money out of a rich guy’s pocket, why does he fight it?”

    Perhaps, unlike you, he understands and has an appreciation for policies that will promote the greater economic good, and a better economic outcome for all, and is not focused on narrow and simple minded objectives, like screwing some unsympathetic group.

    Think about that, Michael.

  • michael reynolds Link

    . . .has an appreciation for policies that will promote the greater economic good, and a better economic outcome for all,. . .

    Hah hah hah hah. Good one, Drew.

    Or. Or you’re full of it, and you’re trying to pull a Br’er Rabbit. That would be the other possible explanation.

  • john personna Link

    Shug, how did we get in topsy-turvey world, where the GOP defends ethanol subsidies while attacking spending?

    Answer, they let guys like Nordquist define “tax” for them. They let him define the removal of a really, really, stupid subsidy as a tax.

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