Mustard Greens with Tomatoes, Onions, and Chilies

For several years there I was a vegetarian (or darned near, anyway). I didn’t feel deprived because I was cooking things like this. This is adapted from a recipe of Deborah Madison’s.

Mustard Greens with Tomatoes, Onions, and Chilies

Serves 4

2 lb. mustard greens or collards, washed, stems removed, and coarsely chopped
1 Tbsp. olive oil
1 medium onion, peeled, cut into ½-inch squares
3 medium tomatoes, peeled, seeded, and chopped
2 to 3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
3 small dried red chilies or several pinches red pepper flakes

  1. Steam the greens over boiling water for roughly 5 minutes or until they are tender.
  2. Heat the oil in a large skillet.
  3. Add the onions and cook them over medium-high heat for about 2 minutes.
  4. Add the tomatoes, garlic, and chilies.
  5. Add salt to taste and cook for another minutes, then add the greens.
  6. Mix everything together and cook until the greens are thoroughly warmed.
  7. Check to see if the greens need additional salt and add if needed.
  8. Add a splash of vinegar and serve.

I’ve added this recipe to my master list of recipes.

1 comment… add one
  • Thanks Dave, this one looks perfect for my husband & I, I’ll try it one day.

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