Your Auto-Antonym of the Day

An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. An auto-antonym is a word that means the opposite of itself. The clearest example of an auto-antonym is “inflammable” which means both that something can’t burn and that it can.

Recently, in comments, I received a complaint that my blog had too much text and not enough pictures. What the comment actually said was that there wasn’t enough content but the balance of the comment made it clear that what was meant was less content, more formatting and pictures.

“Content”, apparently, has become an auto-antoym meaning both actual substance and appearance.

I might add that I find it truly astonishing how many intelligent, well-educated people are genuinely unable to read. Maybe they’re able but they’re not willing. I think they’re unable. You really need to read all of the words for effective literacy.

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  • Icepick Link

    Recently, in comments, I received a complaint that my blog had too much text and not enough pictures.

    I missed that one. I recommend you draw doodles and incorporate them into the posts, George Gamow style.

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