Will Hillary Clinton Be the Democratic Nominee?

Every week the members of the Watcher’s Council of which I am a holdover from a time when the Council was much more centrist than it is now, each express their opinions on a single subject. I only participate in about one in four of these forums and don’t link to them as frequently as I should.

This week’s forum considered the question of whether Hillary Clinton would be the Democratic nominee for the presidency in 2016. I was almost alone in believing that she would. I believe that for a number of reasons.

First, Sec. Clinton has more support in the black community than any other candidate and the black vote is essential to the Democrats. Second, she has 50 state organization that’s been in place for decades that includes governors, mayors, and so on. No other Democrat can match that.

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  • TastyBits Link

    Hillary Clinton will never be President of the US. Having the largest share and getting that share to actually vote for you are not the same. If the Democrats could run Bill Clinton again, they would win easily.

    If she changed her name to William Jefferson Clinton and went by “Bill”, she would have a chance.

    If the Democrat big shots decide she is toast, I am sure that they can find somebody to beat her. An unknown first term senator somehow was able to beat her in 2008, and an unknown can do it in 2016.

  • Hillary Clinton will never be President of the US. Having the largest share and getting that share to actually vote for you are not the same.

    I think that may well be the case but there are two different questions: 1) will she be the Democratic nominee? and 2) will she win?

    I think she’ll be the Democratic nominee. Whether she can attract enough Democratic voters actually to show up at the polls to win is another question.

  • TastyBits Link

    I kindda went off course, but I corrected at the end. It depends on the Democrat big wigs. If they decide she is a loser, it will be a repeat of 2008. (Actually, Sen. Obama was being groomed since at least 2004 by Sen. Ted Kennedy.)

    I think it depends upon several factors that have yet to be determined. How damaged is she? How much more is she going to become damaged? How much of a Teflon coating does she have?

    If they really want to get rid of her, they can make her an offer she can’t refuse – drop out or go to prison.

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