Will and Nola at a Year and a Half

It’s been a while since I’ve posted pictures of Will and Nola.
Will and Nola at a year and a half
We’re just beginning to discover who they are. Nola, on the left in both pictures, is a very busy girl, interested in everything and into everything. She’s a bright girl, sometimes painfully bright, a dog with endless possibilities. She has a great love of activity and already shows the signs of a good agility dog and I have no doubt she’ll be a great working dog. She has a remarkable nose and the brain to make good (or mischievous) use of it.
Will and Nola at a year and a half

Will, on the right in both pictures, is a big, strong, beautiful, sweet, gentle guy. He is a born therapy dog. He’s got brains, too, but mostly he’s just happy to stay next to you, nap, and occasionally ask for a little attention.

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  • Ann Julien Link

    WOW! Thank you for the great pictures! They are growing up so beautifully, i can’t wait to see them on our upcoming visit, details to follow! aj

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