Who Won the Debate?

There seems to be some disagreement about just who won Thursday’s Democratic presidential candidates’ debate:

Christopher Buskirk: Donald Trump
New York Times columnists: Elizabeth Warren
Kathleen Parker: Donald Trump
Henry Olsen: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar
The Washington Post’s Ranking Committee: Nobody
Matthew Yglesias: Joe Biden
Google: Joe Biden
Twitter: Andrew Yang

Consequently, no clear winner would seem to be the best conclusion. Based on the coverage I’ve read Joe Biden won simply on the basis of surviving. The challenge for the other Democratic candidates is not just demonstrating that they’re the best candidate but that Joe Biden isn’t a good enough candidate and they didn’t do that. So VP Biden won.

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  • jan Link

    The policy extremism being embraced by most of the democrat contestants is tainting the entire field, IMO. I think the winner was a big question mark, symbolizing that everyone on the stage was unfit for office.

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