When Did Germany’s Objectives Become Ours?

I have a question. When did Germany’s policy objectives become American policy objectives? It wasn’t always that way. I have a vague recollection of Americans intervening twice to prevent Germany from realizing its policy objectives.

Has a Europe dominated and led by Germany become more acceptable? If so, why?

7 comments… add one
  • michael reynolds Link

    Because they’ve behaved themselves for 70 years. Because they’ve been a moral leader in Europe.

    And because we have no foreign policy objectives aside from toadying Putin and collecting pay-offs from Russia, China and Dubai.

  • Ken Hoop Link

    Easy to behave yourself when you’re occupied.
    So far Trump hasn’t sent a Nuland to help create havoc in Russia’s sphere of influence, let us hope the toadying continues and Nikki Haley is ignored or fired.

  • michael reynolds Link

    It’s been amazing and gratifying in a horrible sort of way to watch the complete moral, ideological and patriotic surrender of Republicans. Every bad thing I ever said about Republicans turned out to be true. I’m not used to being so completely correct. Normally I’m happy with 70 or 80 percent.

    I always knew they were hollow. I always knew their so-called beliefs were dishonest bullshit they used to cover their nastiness. Imagine my horror at discovering that I’m actually an idealist by comparison. Totally messes with my bad boy image. But man, I’ve never, ever dropped to my knees the way Republicans are doing. I’ve had a gun to my head and not turned into a wuss. Men are so weak.

    For the world is hollow and I have touched the sky.

  • Ken Hoop Link

    I can accept, respect that is, those remarks from a Sanders or Stein supporter who refused to surrender to Clinton at the ballot box.

  • Ben Wolf Link

    I’m pretty sure it happened when we rejected Stalin’s plan for united, permanently disarmed Germany and instead gave them guns and pointed them back at the Soviet Union.

  • Well, yes and no. Germany wasn’t divided to protect Germany from the Soviet Union. It was to protect the Soviet Union from Germany. German reunification took place during the chaos that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union.

    Although maybe not a declaration of war, it was certainly a declaration of unconcerned hostility towards the Russians.

  • Ben Wolf Link

    Stalin did, in what is now called the “March Note”, suggest a plan for German re-unification with no conditions other than permanently disarming the country and political neutrality. Truman rejected the plan for reasons I’m not clear on.

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