Things I believe about the holidays

I’ve been watching the Christmas preparations in my neighborhood pretty closely and I think I’d like to share some things I believe about the holidays.

I believe that Christmas cookies that are made by hand at home, no matter how ugly and misshapen, are more delicious than the most beautiful store-bought cookie. I believe that Christmas decorations which you’ve braved frigid icy weather to put up are more glorious than decorations put up by professionals. I believe that a scarf or mittens that have been knitted or crocheted by hand with love keep me warmer than the most perfect machine-made garment. I believe that a Christmas tree that you’ve decorated with the memories of many years is more stunning than the most tasteful pre-decorated tree.

These are sacraments; they nourish body, mind, and spirit. And they’re things that you don’t have to be wealthy to afford. They have an ingredient that the most skillful craftsman cannot capture however hard he or she might try: they have magic.

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  • Well spoken, sir.

  • Moving…some of that I believe, too, and some of it I’ve had to leave behind because it’s too painful. Seasons and the old ceremonies change to meet our needs.

    I still love Christmas cookies made by hand, though. I’m considering which ones to make this year.

    And my tree has transmogrified into a live one which we plant in hole dug before the ground hardens. The last few years, I’ve felt the need to hang small birds of various kinds on it. Thus some of my robins are smaller than some of the finches…

    And I still love the Nativity scene from my childhood. Some years I have the will to put it up, but not always…it was made in Italy before the War. Sturdy and very immigrant Italian in its art. My Irish immigrant mother was fond of it…

    I remember all the work that went into Christmases past. I thought I would miss it, but the resting silence which replaced it is more in keeping with the season somehow.

    Thanks for your description. Enjoy your mittens.

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