The Threat of Racist Babies

The best post I have read today is by Christopher Gage on the threat of racist babies. Here’s its kernel:

Home to noted intellectual Jeremy Corbyn and a sea of green-haired nutters fluent in gender studies and Mythical Melanin Theory, Islington is London’s answer to Berkeley. (Some say residents of Islington consume 98% of the world’s falafel, which might explain a great deal.)

Burping into the social Chernobyl that is Twitter, Islington Council shared a poster replete with helpful diagrams, skull measurements, and the typical physiognomies of these racist babies.

‘Children are never too young to talk about race,’ say those employed chiefly to talk about race. Apparently, two-year-olds ‘use race to reason about people’s behaviours,’ and to choose their playmates. By age five, ‘white children are strongly in favour of whiteness.’

“At three months,” it reads, “babies look more at faces that match the race of their caregivers.”

Perhaps those babies search for the face matching that of their parents because those babies are utterly dependent on their parents, their parents being the centre of their universe. When I’m poleaxed via whiskey and wine, I consult my memory for the colour of my front door and the rough location of the keyhole. So far, this method has proven 97% effective across my fifteen-year career as a semi-professional carouser.

Researchers neglected to divulge whether non-white children displayed racial bias.

I’d suspect such omission is telling. The answer is likely ‘yes,’ yet such findings prove unhelpful to those desperate to keep their ludicrous raison d’être in vogue amid a precipitous decline in those concerned with the density of another’s melanin.

Read the whole thing.

4 comments… add one
  • bob sykes Link

    In response to an anonymous (or at least, unidentified) complaint, Cornell has removed a bust of Lincoln and a display copy of the Gettysburg Address from one of its libraries.

    The experiment is over, and it failed. (Apologies to Ben Franklin.)

    We need to break up the US into a dozen or more states and effect major population transfers to separate the various groups.

    We have reached the point where Russia is the Helm’s Deep of Western Civilization and Christianity. The orcs have captured everything else.

  • steve Link

    I think it was supposed to be funny but also make some kind of point. It wasn’t. No links to original studies of course so he just makes claims that we can highly suspect are not true, but might be funny. Somehow.


  • walt moffett Link

    Always nice to see town councils focusing on the important things instead of say, fly tipping in the public housing areas.

  • Andy Link

    Good polemic.

    Here’s a link to a news piece about it which I just googled up:

    The London Telegraph also reported on it, but it’s behind a paywall.

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