The Reactions

I was rather surprised at the reactions in the comments section of this post at Outside the Beltway on the calls for President Obama to get the U. S. involved in a campaign against DAESH in Libya. The most substantive reaction was the evergreen variant of “two wrongs make a right”: “But Bush invaded Iraq!”.

Much of the discussion involved shouting down a particularly obnoxious commenter and musing over whether the U. S. should cultivate a closer relationship with Iran. Iran is irrelevant to Libya. Shi’a Islam is practically unknown there and the relationship with Iran is largely in the hands of the Iranians. From time to time over the period of the last 30 years we’ve attempted a rapprochement only to be given the cold shoulder (yes, there’s blame on both sides).

3 comments… add one
  • Guarneri Link

    I think that guy Dave just comes out with his six shooters blazing in all directions to tweak the noses of obnoxious commenters like Clavin. He probably saw the title of the post, knew it would be a defend Obama at all costs party, and said to himself, “meat.”

    And that’s all I have to say about that.

  • Andy Link

    I’m surprised you’re surprised. The regulars always feed the trolls and foreign policy nuance has never been a strong suit.

  • michael reynolds Link

    I don’t mind a good troll, unfortunately “Dave” is just an idiot toddler with a tiny little marble rattling around in the echoing emptiness of his skull. A good troll has something to say, a POV. “Dave” just smears the contents of his diaper all around and thinks he’s clever. The net result is tedium.

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