The European Union Is Germany

Front National president Marine Le Pen reacts to the British referendum against continued UK membership in the EU with an op-ed in the New York Times:

One thing is certain: Britain’s departure from the European Union will not make the union more democratic. The hierarchical structure of its supranational institutions will want to reinforce itself: Like all dying ideologies, the union knows only how to forge blindly ahead. The roles are already cast — Germany will lead the way, and France will obligingly tag along.

Here is a sign: President François Hollande of France, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi of Italy and acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy of Spain take their lead directly from Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, without running through Brussels. A quip attributed to Henry Kissinger, “Who do I call if I want to call Europe?” now has a clear answer: Call Berlin.

She points out something of which many Americans may not be aware: the European Union has been rejected practically every time it has been put up for a vote. Disregarding referenda in France, the Netherlands, and Ireland, the EU has forged along, implemented by undemocratic edicts.

It remains popular in Germany for a good reason. It is a continuation of a German project that goes back more than a century—the Germanization of Europe. However, despite the best efforts of the EU’s unelected bureaucrats, the Poles stubbornly insist on remaining Polish, the Hungarians are determined to remain Hungarian.

Government, even authoritarian government, requires consensus. If enough consensus to provide legitimate government cannot be cultivated within Europe, what are the prospects for world government?

Keep in mind that a putative world government would be no respecter of individual rights.

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