The Council Has Spoken!

The Watcher’s Council has announced its picks for the most outstanding posts of the preceding week. The winning Council post was Joshuapundit’s post, “Energy Independence — What It Am And What It Ain’t”. There was a 3-2ay tie for second place among Colossus of Rhodey, Bookworm Room, and, Big Lizards, all examining different aspects of the Center for Public Integrity’s report on the statements of the Bush Administration in the period leading up to the invasion of Iraq. I thought that Hube’s post was the best of those submitted on this subject and voted for it.

The winning non-Council post was Dr. Sanity’s “The Conclusion We Dare Not Face”, which, honestly, I didn’t care for much. Again, there was a 3-way tie for second place among Hoover Institution’s “A Moral Core for U.S. Foreign Policy” and Classical Values’s “Be a Victim! Or Else!”, and Gates of Vienna’s post, “The Muslims of Europe Charter”.

I heartily recommend reading the Hoover Institution’s article, an excellent treatment of the contrast between a realistic and idealistic foreign policy for the United States.

The complete results are here.

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  • Fletcher Christian Link

    This isn’t going to be a surprise to anyone I suspect, but my response to “The Muslims of Europe Charter”:

    We do things here the way we like it. If you don’t like the way we do things here, you know where the airport is.

    There is a continuum of possible responses against Eurislam; the very least is to remove any and all concessions to the 8th century barbarians in our midst, such concessions to include prayer rooms in workplaces and the legality of halal slaughter. The other end of the continuum is to kill them all.

    I’m not all that particular which.

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