The American Values Survey 2015

Speaking of values, if the American Values Survey for 2015 represents the truth even remotely correctly, it tells me a couple of things. First, neither political party actually represents the values of most Americans. Each party has latched onto one big issue, healthcare in the case of the Democrats, terrorism in the case of Republicans but on the rest? Not so much.

Second, look at the graph above. Given that most blacks and many Hispanics live in communities in which they comprise a plurality if not an outright majority, would you rather live in a mostly white community, a mostly Hispanic community, or a mostly black community? Yeah, me too.

Also, note that almost 50% of Hispanics see illegal immigration as presenting a major problem in their community. Depending on what they meant, that may cut against the prevailing narrative.

Or how about this:

Few Americans say the government looks out for their interests. Only about four in ten (42%) Americans say the government looks out for the needs and interests of people like them either somewhat or very well. Notably, seniors (age 65 and older) are the only major demographic group in which a majority (55%) believe that the government looks out for their needs and interests at least somewhat well.

What’s a three syllable word that begins with “P” and means you think everybody is against you? That’s right: perceptive.

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