Talking Down

This post is something of a departure from what my usual style and content. I attempt to steer away from the petty this and that of political campaigns that so many other bloggers seem to take such glee in sinking their teeth into. Chalk it up to getting it off my chest.

I’ve made no secret of my dislike of the idea of Hillary Clinton as our next president nor that I think that Bill Richardson, whose campaign has no chance and who seems to be visibly running for Vice President at this point, is most qualified among the Democratic aspirants for the Presidency both in experience and temperament. Of the first-tier candidates my preferences would be Obama, Edwards, and Clinton, in that order.

I won’t delve into the problems that I have with Sen. Clinton as president other than one. It’s the condescension. I don’t look forward to four (or eight) years of being talked down to. Of being treated as though I were a fool.

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