Split Personality

I’ve made no secret of my skepticism about intellectual property, an Orwellian term if ever there was one, particularly in the notion that the creation of intellectual property as an alternative to making stuff and performing services that people are willing to pay for is a viable growth path for the United States. One of the things that makes me skeptical is the remarkable double talk and maybe even double its proponents deploy.

Consider this post at RealClearPolicy by Andreas G. Elterich. Its title alone is enough to set my teeth on edge: “Don’t Antagonize China Over IP Theft”. Can anyone imagine writing “Don’t Antagonize Dillinger About Bank Robbery” or “Don’t Antagonize Timothy McVeigh Over Mass Murder”? Either he believes that intellectual property is property or he doesn’t. If he does, its theft is a crime.

And predictably he hauls out what he presumably thinks are the big guns:

Instead of chancing a trade war and further eroding the reputation of the U.S., the administration should take steps toward trade liberalization, thereby spurring economic growth.

Here’s a suggestion for him. Instead of trying to use quiet diplomacy, why not use shame? The Chinese authorities need to come to understand that their actions are shameful and those who do them are not worthy of respect. I believe that’s more likely to change their actions than any amount of quiet diplomacy.

2 comments… add one
  • Bob Sykes Link

    At current growth rates, the total Chinese economy is expected to be 50% greater than the US’ in as little as six years, i.e., 2023. It’s manufacturing sector is already larger in total and more comprehensive than ours. By that time, China’s third carrier will be close to operational. The balance of world power is about to undergo a profound change. China will be making demands on us, and our role in the world will become circumscribed in ways we have not seen since the 19th Century.

  • gray shambler Link

    You know, Bob, I cannot substantiate this, but history and a feel for central communist control tells me they will fuck it up. I E, China’s ghost cities, built at great expense for one million people to inhabit, empty. I don’t care how much money they have, if they will not recognize individual property rights, that money will flee, with the people who made it.

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