On Comments

It may be surprising to some but I read every comment made on this blog, generally refraining from responding to them but occasionally doing so. I get comments on even 15 year old posts with some regularity.

A common theme is to accuse me of willful ignorance for not lending credence to some conspiracy theory or other. As a blanket response to such comments let me observe several things:

  1. Not every post is about every thing.
  2. If you want to write about that, get your own blog.
  3. I try to give all sides of a question a reasonable hearing.
  4. Avoid the fallacy of onus probandi (burden of proof). It is up to you to provide good evidence for your views not up to me to disprove every theory for which little or no evidence exists.
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  • TastyBits Link

    It may be surprising to some but I read every comment made on this blog …

    I am not surprised.

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