8 comments… add one
  • PD Shaw Link

    There’s a war on damn it. — Harry S Truman

  • Really? I thought it was crime. Isn’t that what something being primarily law enforcement means?

  • PD Shaw Link

    I was making a flippant reference to Truman’s seizure of the most of the nation’s steel mills to help the war effort. The SCOTUS rebuffed him for not getting Congressional approval. I suppose if Congress passed a law, the President signed it and each of the referinery owners were paid fair market value of their property after a full judicial process, including right to jury trial, then the U.S. could own the refineries.

  • PD Shaw Link

    Since I think the refinery issue has been an illusory one on the right for some time, the fact that the left now accpets the basic premise means we are about to reach maximum derangement.

  • Optimist. Just when I think we’ve reached maximum derangement somebody floats another rank piece of idiocy.

  • Two words: “living document.”

  • Larry Link

    Isn’t it possible that the bill itself is just another red herring, to test reactions, rattle a few cages…who’s interest is more important..one industry…or the welfare of the nation? Isn’t the bill proposal just another way of saying you’re either with us or you’re against us, **** or get off the pot!

    Let’s say, for a moment that the U.S. is actually another country…and that county was facing mass starvation, now exchange the word oil, (energy) for rice, where a small group of privately owned businesses have control of most of the national rice supply, and the machinery to mill it, and distribute it…This business is in the business of making a profit..but here they see an opportunity to make even bigger profits..because they’re the only kids in town with the candy…what would you do as a government to feed your nation, how would you get the rice out to the masses to prevent mass starvation…

  • Larry Link

    Would anyone here know anything about Michael W. Masters testimony before
    the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs United States Senate May 20, 2008? His testimony on the subject of Index Speculators and the commodities market…you can find a link at the site below.


    Does this make sense? Is this true? Any knowledgeable comments welcomed!!

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