My Mom

This little clip of my mom is taken from a longer film of my parents’ honeymoon. She was 24 or 25 when this film was shot, depending on which birth certificate you believe.

I think the exposure needs a little tweaking. There are still some things I need to learn about my tools.

7 comments… add one
  • Beth Weisbrod Link

    This looks like a digital fusion of Claire and Marie!

  • Jan Link

    A sweet looking woman – so unjaded as many are today.

  • And yet she had a very tough childhood–parents who were by any standard neglectful. She was working and earning money from babyhood. For much of her childhood she didn’t know from day to day where she would be sleeping that night.

    Similarly, my dad grew up in the toughest neighborhood St. Louis had to offer at the time. He was a rich kid in a poor neighborhood. His mother used to dress him in Little Lord Fauntleroy outfits if you can imagine such a thing. Talk about a Boy Named Sue. My dad literally had no fear.

  • Gustopher Link

    I mean this is the best of all possible ways, and I am sitting in a bar having my Sunday evening burger and beer… she’s quite the looker. No sound on my end, so I have nothing else to to say. She seems happy. Her face’s early wrinkles are smile wrinkles.

    Also, wow, those shoulder pads are huge. Or your mother was built like a petite, cute linebacker. Either way, your father may have married above himself.

    Not sure of her age? I would trust the long form birth certificate. I mean, what are the odds they are the same exact length?

  • Jan Link

    I agree with Gustopher that she looks “happy,” and I might add carefree – someone not wearing what you say was a rough childhood in her demeanor or on her face.

    What a treasure it is to have video of your parents when they were young!

  • someone not wearing what you say was a rough childhood in her demeanor or on her face

    I believe her unfailingly positive, determined attitude to have been her most defining qualities.

    What a treasure it is to have video of your parents when they were young!

    Yes, my siblings are thrilled. It’s largely for their benefit that I’m posting these clips. All are younger than me and some have only fuzzy memories of my dad and don’t remember my mom looking like this as I do.

  • WarrenPeese Link

    Sweet, pretty.

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