Eye on the Watcher’s Council

Every week the members of the Watcher’s Council nominate the posts they think were the finest of the previous week. The entire list of submissions is here These are the submissions this week:

The Colossus of Rhodey, “As yet another example of demonizing the speech of your opponent as “dangerous” …”

Hube takes note of yet another example of the reflex to silence those on college campuses who don’t follow the prevailing orthodoxy. Freedom of speech takes courage and confidence. And it’s ever so much easier to silence your opponent than it is to persuade him or, failing that, to discredit him.

The Provocateur, “From President to King While the Media Yawns”

Mike presents an example of the professional media’s willingness to give President Obama and his administration a free ride. I’ve got to admit that I can’t recall a more rapturous honeymoon between an administration and the press.

Bookworm Room, “Predators and Prey”

I disagree with Bookworm in that I don’t think that America fits her metaphor very well. America is neither predator nor prey. Mostly we just want to be left alone.

Joshuapundit, “Can The GOP Get It;s Groove Back?”

In his assessment of Republicans’ prospects going forward I think that Freedom Fighter underestimates the degree to which George W. Bush has injured the Republican Party. John McCain at the top of the ticket neutralized that particular line of attack; Dick Cheney at the top of the ticket would have galvanized it.

Right Truth, “More Dangerous Than Al-Qaeda: Liberals and Sharia”

I don’t think that Debbie understands how many progressives are romantics who idealize country bumpkins from the most isolated and ignorant parts of the world. I don’t think there’s anything particularly reprehensible about it, I just think it’s dopey.

The Razor, “Yet More Green Hypocrisy”

Scott critiques the plans of a rock music icon to build a massive yet “environmentally sensitive” home on a large tract of land. It’s apparently of the school of enviromentalism under which what matters is how pure your motives are and how deeply felt rather what the effects may be.

Rhymes With Right, “A Hero Of My Youth Passes”

Greg memorializes Jack Kemp.

Soccer Dad, “The iranian priority”

Soccer Dad’s submission this week is a lengthy and interesting discussion of Israeli foreign policy.

The Glittering Eye, “Never Let a Good Crisis Go To Waste”

In my submission this week I review the swine flu panic which, thankfully, seems to be abating.

Mere Rhetoric, “UC Santa Barbara Professor Spams Class With Graphic “Jews Are Nazis” Email”

Omri points out the absurd false equivalence being promoted by a UCSB professor. An inability to distinguish between categories of evil is the inability to distinguish between good and evil. In my book that’s a greater danger than swine flu. And it’s certainly endemic in the population.

Wolf Howling, “Waiting For The Iranian Shoe To Drop”

GW posts on the dangers posed by Iranian nuclear weapons. The one thing I’d point out to him is that in all likelihood eliminating or even slowing whatever development program the Iranians have is probably beyond either our or the Israelis’ ability short of using nuclear weapons in a exterminatory attack. While failing to achieve whatever he might want it to accomplish it would actually accomplish things we wouldn’t want to see happen, e.g. increased popular support for the Iranian regime, justification for Iranian development and even preemptive use of nuclear weapons, etc.

Well, I’ve decided which posts I’ll vote for this week. Which posts would get your votes?

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