Eye on the Watcher’s Council

Every week the members of the Watcher’s Council nominate the posts they think were the finest of the previous week. The entire list of submissions is here These are the submissions this week:

Bookworm Room, “Torture, Real and Imagined”

Clearly, the release of the so-called “torture memos” prompted several of the Council submissions this week and, equally clearly, I’m in the minority in among Council members in believing that, for example, waterboarding is torture and that torture is wrong. In her submission this week Bookworm takes on the claim that the U. S. executed Japanese officers for waterboarding American soldiers and follows up with some personal anecdotes and observations.

The Razor, “Why An Alcoholic Supports the Legalization of Illicit Drugs ”

Scott explains why he believes that drugs should be legalized. My own view is that I wish that people would define their terms when discussing the subject. I don’t believe that everything should be available over the counter. However, I do think it makes sense to remove some Schedule I drugs, e.g. marijuana, from the list. I also think that advocates are overestimating the benefits of doing so and underestimating the risks.

The Glittering Eye, “Disease Vectors”

I thought the most important story of the week was swine flu and the hysterical response to it from the media and that’s what my submission this week is about.

Right Truth, “The next 1,360 days”

In her submission this week Debbie prudently observes that the rest of Barack Obama’s term is a lot more important than its first 100 days. I agree. I also wish that my Republican friends would celebrate the good that’s happened so far in his term as well as opposing what they disagree with. For example, I think that our taking a cautious, prudent approach to withdrawing our troops from Iraq is a good thing.

The Colossus of Rhodey, “Did the NY Times bury an “inconvenient” torture memo story? And a torture question …”

Hube comments on a rather distressing example of how newspapers groom the news, in this case some reporting over the effectiveness of “enhanced interrogation”.

Wolf Howling, “Words Have Meaning Rick”

GW takes on a post by my friend Rick Moran on whether waterboarding is torture. My own view is that if you have to ask then it probably is.

Soccer Dad, “It’s easy being green. Not.”

Soccer Dad dissects a column by Tom Friedman on President Obama’s support for “green industries”. My view on this is that he’s exaggerating the benefits. However, I do believe in Pigouvian taxes to deal with the negative externalities of oil consumption, air pollution, etc.

The Provocateur, “Is Commercial Real Estate Next?”

I agree with Mike: I’m skeptical that commercial real estate is poising itself for the same crash that’s happened on houses although I know that regulators are concerned about just that prospect. For one thing commercial real estate went through its own boom and bust cycle not that long ago.

Joshuapundit, “Exposing The Palestinian’s Phony ‘Demographics’ Threat Against Israel”

Freedom Fighter examines the relative numbers of Jews and Arabs in Israel. I think that the Palestinians’ reckoning probably takes into account the “right of return”. Additionally, I think we should remember that the Middle East is the land of the bazaar. Hawking, haggling, exaggeration, and flat-out lying are all part of the bargainin process.

Well, I’ve decided which posts I’ll vote for this week. Which posts would get your votes?

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