Boosting Self-Image

I found Virginia Postrel’s post at Bloomberg on the boosterism of China’s “Belt and Road” program entertaining:

As a product of the New South, I know boosterism when I see it.

I recognize the underlying insecurities, frequent wastefulness, and over-eager efforts to demonstrate importance. I also understand boosterism’s valid purposes and claims. Boosters have something to prove — to themselves as well as outsiders — but that doesn’t mean they’re wrong to make the effort. Their offended pride often drives achievements surpassing those of more established and complacent places. Jaded westerners may cringe at the video of multicultural children singing praises of the Belt and Road, but it’s hardly the worst way for an ambitious world power to assert its ascendency.

China’s authorities need a victory for domestic political purposes and as victories go the “Belt and Road” program seems pretty benign. And, as I’ve noted before, they write a heckuva good press release.

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