A Bridge Too Far

I’m going to pass this story on without further comment. From CWB Chicago:

A woman accused of throwing her newborn baby from an 8th-floor apartment window in Uptown has been sentenced to four years probation.

Mubashra Uddin had been charged with four counts of murder for allegedly killing the baby girl moments after giving birth in her family’s apartment.

But prosecutors last week agreed to drop three of those charges and then reduced the fourth murder count to involuntary manslaughter of a family member. Judge Carol M. Howard handed down a sentence of probation.


Friends rallied around Uddin from the moment of her arrest, blaming her actions on the young woman’s upbringing in a strict Muslim family.

7 comments… add one
  • Guarneri Link

    Good to see our cherished immigrants are assimilating well into our culture and legal standards. Good to see our legal system is maintaining fidelity to our laws. To do anything else would have been clear evidence of xenophobia.

    I wonder when we can expect the first mass suicide bomber to plea down to creating a civil disturbance because, you know, the infadels.

  • I wonder whether the young woman’s father or brother will receive probation when she ends up dead.

  • steve Link



    There are tons of these, but not sure how many links your site will let post. (To keep this in context remember that if you are really, really rich, you can kill 4 people and get probation.)


  • I think that the first link (probation + ordering that the young woman go to a group home) was a reasonable outcome but the second one and the case to which I linked are not.

    I don’t think that deliberate homicide is a good candidate for simple probation, particularly if the reasons cited for it are cultural.

  • TastyBits Link

    All three cases look the same to me, and they should have been locked-up. If there were some way to include the fathers, I would have them locked-up as well.

    Personally, I would require any unmarried father to serve the same sentence. It might cause a few more males to ‘get with the program’. It might not be fair, but it is just. They helped create the situation, and they should be punished as well.

    When Tom knocks-up Mary, he might think about returning her call.

  • I take your point. I question the decision to implicitly justify infanticide.

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