Economic Effects of Taxation

I want to draw your attention to what to my eye is an excellent primer on tax incidence. Hat tip: David Henderson

One point the example doesn’t mention is that the tax results in a $50 deadweight loss or 1% reduction in total economic activity as a result of the tax.

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  • steve Link
  • He’s talking about something different, steve. He’s not talking about the supply and demand effects which is what the article to which I linked explains.

  • steve Link

    Oops, sorry. Was responding to a different post by the same author. The one that Mankiw had recommended.


  • Yep, notice that the lost economic value is $950, the taxes are$900 and the resulting economic value is $4,050, so total economic value is $4,950. Prior to the tax total economic value was $5,000. That $50 is just lost…gone.


    You are misreading Mankiw. Romney’s claim of 50% (15% and 35% are not additive) is bogus, but the 15% also probably doesn’t capture his full effective tax rate either.

  • steve Link

    Steve V- Agreed.


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